Saturday, June 14, 2014

Germany Day 1

After 8 hours in the air we arrived in Dusseldorf at 8:30 am. We went home, and then straight to school! This was not fun, but a necessary evil in the fight against jet lag.

After school Zeynep (my exchange partner) had tennis. So, while she and her little sister played, I jogged. This was interesting because their town had recently had a huge storm which took down a number of trees. Jogging turned into more of a track and field event, with tree-hurdles to jump and debris to dodge! On the walk home, her little sister's legs hurt, so Zeynep carried her. That's what I call sisterly love!

That night we went to Zeynep's bestfriend's sister's 18th birthday party. My Americanness made me very cool at the Birthday party. Perhaps I should move to Europe...

The birthday girl was Albanian and the party consisted of lots of dancing! The regular kind and the Albanian kind (which they were kind enough to teach me!). Let me just say I should have been born in Albania! One of the girls promised to send me video of us doing a line dance which I will be sure to post when I receive it.

We ended the night at a teen club called Hütte, where all of the GAPP students were gathered. That was...interesting? Let's just say the place wreaked of cigarette smoke, body odor, and desperation. I didn't take any pictures there, but I found some on the website that can give you an idea of where I was. Just picture these photos + 150 drunk teenagers. Scary, I know! 

We got home at around 12:30 and I had the great misfortune of rising with the sun at 4:30 am. Even so, this was a wonderful first day in Germany!

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